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      71 products

      Please pay attention to the ingredients of all products listed on the product page and do an allergy test before use to ensure that you have not developed any cross-allergies. Do not touch the skin with the UV-curing plastics.


      According to the (BOD) British Association of Dermatologists and all other published scientific articles LEFT the #1 allergen product for nail products.

      Published for proof of this (SCCS) the European Scientific Committee for consumer safety in 2018 a report stating that there was no scientific evidence that In-LEFT causes allergies! Report can be found here.

      SCCS = The scientists who decide which ingredients can be used in cosmetics

      LEFT and In-LEFT are not the same:

      LEFT In-LEFT
       2-Hydroxyethylmethacrylat In-LEFT-Trimethylhexyldicarbamat

      Both ingredients are monomers used in UV gel. However, the molecular size of In-LEFT is larger and therefore cannot be absorbed by the skin as quickly as LEFT.


      Incidentally, hydroxypropyl methacrylate (2-HPMA), also known as hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA), is the 2nd most common nail product allergen according to the BOD.
      This is mostly used as an alternative to LEFT.
      As a result, those who switched to LEFT-free monomer because they already had an allergy to LEFT can often also have an HPMA allergy develop. 



      The products are of such high quality and are easy to work with. I love her


      I love that MAGICALLY Fiberglasgel Natural. For the reason that it works with me and the brush, it also doesn't run into the edges (when used correctly). The natural has a great creamy consistency and a nice "nude tone" that you can also wear "naked". I think it is an absolute must to use the gel in the studio or for me as a hobby nail designer. I can no longer imagine modeling without the MAGICALLY Natural Fiberglass Gel.

      Stefanie L.
      Siegen, Germany

      The products from Doriana Cosmetics are a dream, since I've been working with these products I've never had any problems and lifting is a thing of the past.

      Never anything else.

      Roberta L.
      Nail design by Roby, Schopfheim, Germany

      Such a beautiful gel. All colors are awesome.

      Peggy Ulbrich
      Rock your beauty, Annaburg, Deutschland