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  • 20 % Rabatt auf deine Partnerschaft!
  • Mehr Sichtbarkeit: Gewinne neue Kunden.
  • Effiziente Tools: Zeit sparen, Prozesse optimieren.
  • Netzwerk: Teil einer starken Community.

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What our customers say:


The best UV gel I have ever used. I am an absolute fan of all fiberglass gels from Doriana Cosmetics. No heat development. No adhesion problems. Ideal hold even with a thin modeling. - never without again!

Mila Maier
PMU Artist & Nail Designer

I have tested a number of companies in my career and it is important to me that products are of really high quality. I was immediately impressed by the products from Doriana Cosmetics and can therefore recommend them with a clear conscience!

owner of SarahsNails (Weil am Rhein)

Since I started using Doriana Cosmetics products, I no longer have any lifting problems with my customers. Even for customers who have problems with nail adhesion, these products keep their promises. Whether it's the builder gels, color gels or the products for nail preparation, I'm personally more than impressed with their quality and workmanship.

Iw_nails_designer (nail studio Cloppenburg)

1. I thought I 'd just test it, because nothing can go wrong, I was always a little dissatisfied with other products.
When I tried Doris stuff like X-Gel, the Glossy and more, I'm more than satisfied. Good consistent and super fast processing. Therefore, I love these products and can offer and apply them to me and others best conscience

Stephanie G.
Nail designer, Germany

Why did I become a customer of Doriana Cosmetics?

This question is very easy to answer. Because I got to know and love great products. I have some products in self-experiment😉Tested and was more than satisfied.

So it was clear to me that I can give these products to my customers without a guilty conscience.

Both I and my customers now appreciate the products. Whether it's the consistencies, the manufacturing methods (vegan, animal experiment-free) or simply the great colors, we are satisfied. Thank you Doriana♥

Michaela S.
Nail designer with trade, Germany

Actually, first the interpersonal, then the products were right. Now I'm in the process of gradually completely converting my range, which of course doesn't happen overnight. For me, the products are the highest quality that I have worked with over the past 14 years. There is also help through videos, etc. On the homepage. All in all, you can't get rid of me.

Nicole K.
Nail designer with trade, TikTok influencer, Germany

"I became a customer because I was desperate at the point where I met Doriana Cosmetics or rather the dear Dori directly. I'm glad she wrote to me and we met. My training is worth a lot more than the money I invested. The scope is very similar to a classical education and is regularly expanded. In addition, there is the fact that my nails will finally hold up and nothing will flake off or not harden properly. Doriana Cosmetics not only solved my liability difficulties, but also gave me an insight into the profession that I chose for myself. Nail design means so much to me and thanks to Doriana I succeed in a lot of what I found impossible before."

Jazz B.
Nail designer with trade, Germany

Der Nageldesign-Fachhandel, Doriana Cosmetics GmbH aus Lahr im Schwarzwald, entstand 2020 durch die Leidenschaft zum Nageldesign. Wir arbeiten sehr eng mit Studio Experten zusammen, um unsere Produkte stetig weiterzuentwickeln.
Unsere Produkte tragen das PETA approved Siegel.

Die Gründerin "Dori" Addolorata Antonacci begann 2007 Nageldesign aus einem Hobby heraus. Seit 2018 betreibt sie es hauptberuflich. Dabei bildet Dori sich, bei qualifizierten Kollegen, in diesem Handwerk stetig weiter. Durch ihre Liebe zum Nageldesign suchte sie sehr lange nach den perfekten Rezepturen und fand sie.
Seit 2021 produziert Doriana Cosmetics GmbH mit Partnern auch UV-Gel in Deutschland.

So erschuf Dori, gemeinsam mit ihrem Team und den Markenbotschaftern, einen Online-Shop, eine Nail Academy, eine Fashion Marke und eine loyale Community.

Registriere dich noch heute als Mitglied im Shop, um vom unserem Belohnungsprogramm als treuer Kunde zu profitieren.
Gewerbetreibende / Studiopartner erhalten exklusive Zugriff auf Großhandelsprodukte und Gewerberabatt. Zusätzlich sind Mini Stores möglich. Schau auf unserer Hauptseite und Social-Media-Plattformen vorbei, um immer Up-To-Date zu bleiben!

Viel Spaß beim Endecken

Deine Dori & Team